Summer Release – Jepe’s JUG 2.0 Celebrity Morphs for ULFGens 2.0


New Release for Summer 2013! Check out JUG 2.0 Celebrity Morphs!!!

We have added a brand new release from Jepe adding to the popular ULFGens 2.0 free genital figure exclusively here at MPE3D we proudly present to you his JUG 2.0 Celebrity Morphs Addon now in Jepe’s Store too, after his successful release of his RealGens for UlfGens 2.0 Version 3.0 (The ULFGens 2.0 are a freebie in the Freestuff section here).

** NEW ** JUG 2.0 Celebrity Morphs for ULFGens 2.0


Check out the product detail pages under the option MPE3D Products above.

More Jepe Products – JURG 3.0


New Release for 2013! Check out JURG 3.0!!!

We have added several new items to Jepe’s Store too, he has recently released the newest RealGens for UlfGens 2.0 Version 3.0 (The ULFGens 2.0 are a freebie in the Freestuff section here).

** NEW ** JURG 3.0
Jepe’s RealGens for ULFGens 2.0 Version 3.0 (2013)


Check out the product detail pages under the option MPE3D Products above.

More Jepe Products – JARG 2.0 & Addons

Check out the NEW Jepe Stuff!!!

We have added several new items to Jepe’s Store too, he has recently released the newest RealGens for Adzan’s HiroGens (a freebie in the Freestuff section here) and had released a wonderful set of his Celebrity Morphs as an Addon.

We have created a BUNDLE for this great product and if you don’t have either product we suggest you save big by purchasing the BUNDLE and not the individual items.

Jepe’s Nash G2 P7 (2012 Updated for Poser 9+)

** NEW ** JRGM4G
Jepe’s RealGens M4 (2012) / Morphs Add-On (Standalone & Upgrade)

** NEW ** JARG 2.0
Jepe’s RealGens for Adzan’s HiroGens – Base / Celebrity Morph Add-On / Bundle


Check out the product detail pages under the option MPE3D Products above.

Jepe’s RealGens M4 – Gets Star Quality!

NEW – 2012-10-15!

Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Hotter!

Jepe’s RealGens 4 Addon 1 – Upgrade and Standalone Versions

Check out the new pages on the Products Menu for the new addon products for the Jepe’s M4 RealGens 4.  Products are now available for sale click on images below to go to review pages, then click on the header images in the reviews to go to Jepe’s products in the store. Be sure to select the correct product for your situation.

RealGens for M4Gens Gets a Complete “Facelift” for Poser Pro 2012

Click to View Full-SizeClick on the above image to see it in full size PNG version.

Jepe has been working on a serious updated version of his RealGens for M4Gens, which is a completely new version of the past RealGens for M4Gens with new morphing and fixes for some of the problems in the original Daz3D M4Gens.

To quote Jepe:

This is a brand-new version of my Real Gens, it has a new folder 
structure with completely new MATs.

I have reworked all textures and all transmaps.

The original texture had a bit much foreskin behind the glans, 
so I changed that because my new morphs are intended to be cut morphs.
It didn't look that good with the old textures. The new textures will
overwrite the old when installed in the same Runtime because I didn't 
change the names and paths. The INJ files now use different morph 
channels (from PBMCC_20 to 34) because there are a few freebies out 
there that interfered with the former lower channels. 
Scatter Group I set to 20 that it will not give that blueish shadow 
when attached to a scattered skin.

Recent update from Jepe:

I just finished making all the preview thumbs again, I re-organized 
the folder structure in M4 RG and throwed out all the shades 
(80% diffuse and 60% diffuse), but still have around 300 MATs, 
because I have 4 different displacements now and SSS MATs for 
Poser 9/Poser Pro 2012 SR3 and DS.

We are looking forward to the release of this new product, and with this will come a fix to Channing’s Gens & Cum product fixing some polygons in the glans and making it fully functional with the brand new Jepe’s RealGens for M4Gens.

Stay tuned for more cool updated info.

Some of the promo’s coming in the new product
for you to look at (and drool over).

Click on the Thumb to See it in Full SizeClick on the Thumb to See it in Full Size

Click on the Thumb to See it in Full SizeClick on the Thumb to See it in Full Size

Images Copyright (C) 2012, Jepe.