MPE3D Needs Your Help – GoFundMe for Upgrade to Store Software

MPE3D NEEDS YOUR HELP…3D Artist friends who are interested in helping MPE3D come back online safely, we need your help to get the ball rolling again. Incentives will be given to those who donate. Thanks for your interest and eventual help!

We need to update the X-Cart Software we own from X-Cart 4 Platinum which was from 2014 to X-Cart 5 Multivendor which is current and being continually updated to keep spammers out of the works.  After Maleposerotica was hacked several times, we upgraded to X-Cart 4, and the company forced another update mid-stream due to no longer supporting the initial package from 2012.  X-Cart 4 Platinum cost me around $3000.00 USDollars back then, and with all the changes in the Poser and Daz Communities going on, things were chaotic, as well as with PayPal blocking adult sites left and right.  Now that things have changed in the marketplace we began porting the old store into the new software only to discover that this version is no longer supported and the new version is just out of our reach.  3D Artist friends who are interested in helping MPE3D come back online safely, we need your help to get the ball rolling again. Incentives will be given to those who donate. Thanks for your interest and eventual help!

As the store was solely supported financially by Antonio Rodriguez (ProFotograf) and he’s recently been retired due to illness, the financial income became limited and upgrading became somewhat out of reach.  Hence the crowdfunding/GoFundMe to try to get the upgrade necessities taken care of.  Via donations from the interested community, not only would you help MPE3D get back on the Internet Map of Male Themed 3D Stores, but you will get an incentive to become part of the MPE3D Titanium Club, similar to the Platinum Club at Daz3D.  With many products at a discount, and special deals included, as products fill the store.  The intention is that if anyone donates $50.00 or more, they would be immediately added to the Titanium Club membership, for a period of one full year, beginning immediately at the grand opening of the new store.  Of course, those donating more than that, we will find other ways to thank them in the form or vouchers or gift certificates.

MPE3D will be setup so that it will contain supporting products for Male Figures sold at Daz3D and elsewhere, and the focus will be on the most recent software used for rendering, and trying to keep things up to date so you will have the most useful products possible to make your artwork great.

MPE3D will be looking for people interested in working as moderators, and testing staff as well as new vendors to sell products at our store.  We will be competitive and offer good reasons for you to want to sell with us.

3D Artists and friends of Maleposerotica and male 3D-Art who are interested in helping MPE3D come back online safely and with a real kick, we need your help to get the ball rolling again.

Click on the GoFundMe image link below to go to the Campaign Page. Don’t forget, incentives will be given to those who donate. Thanks for your interest and eventual help!

Antonio Rodriguez
Administrator, MPE3D (MalePoserotica)

Link to copy to Facebook or Twitter:



Update on MPE3D for everyone…

Hello all,

Well after a long time, we have been working in the background to recreate a new safe environment and website with a new store, new forums, new galleries, new chat rooms, and hopefully alot of new innovative products since we shut down a few years back after being hacked.  Since February 2016 I’ve been rebuilding and expanding the servers and software to finally get the entire show on the road again at MPE, now returning as MPE3D.

Moving into a new era, we will be supporting both Daz Studio 4.9 and above and also Poser 11.  We will be looking for vendors who wish to join the team at MPE3D and we will be expanding our offerings to not only be sexually oriented items but all things male-related, including poses, props, add-ons and characters as well as clothing and textures.

MPE3D has been started up in sections, and we are interested in finding out if anyone would be interested in joining us as moderators or participants to test and work out the bugs or little illnesses the new system may have at the beginning.



We would love to have your feedback, comments and have you discussing things about male-themed artwork and start getting the ball rolling for MPE3D.  Feel free to sign up and join us at the MPE3D Forums found HERE (Looks Great on Mobile Devices too!)

If you are a content creator, we are interested in talking to you.

Now what is currently going on?

I had a long talk with Jepe, about all the genital expansion products and he wants to do some new installer setups to make things less complex for the users of Daz Studio 4.9 and up, so that products are now setup with folders in the programs of choice and that the files are updated to reflect that.  Additionally, he wants to make more compact products where the expansions are all-in-one items for future customers.  We are currently discussing how to handle updating existing customers with their older versions, but that will happen in the new MPE3D store.

All of you who have bought any of Jepe’s products on the PoserAddicts Jepe store, will have their information ported over to MPE3D, so they can get any updates and announcements sent to them.

I’m excited to begin showing the community all the new stuff I’ve been getting ready for the future of MPE3D and Male Themed Rendering.

Antonio Rodriguez
Administrator, MPE3D (MalePoserotica)

MPE3D Galleries are Up Again!

Gallery NC-18 Warning Screen

MPE3D Galleries Back Online

I managed to restore the Galleries back to full health and have made some visual changes to the front-end and layout as well. It’s still a work in progress and will have some changes made later on, with regard to color and a few fine-tuning issues, but all in all it works brilliantly, and has been backed up safely so it can be restored in the event of hackers again.

One important thing everyone should know though, the Galleries are of an adult nature, and as such require a login. Those of you who were part of the MPE II store who only viewed but didn’t participate (ie: post, comment or vote) were not added to the user listings for the Galleries. Reason for this was security. The hackers who brought down the site, added literally thousands of bogus user-names and accounts to the database, which means easy entry for any of them if I had imported them back in. This way, I have a clean and safe database of real users, and those who did post have full access to their galleries, albums and images again. I apologize for this being somewhat inconvenient to those who used to just lurk the galleries. In the future maybe you will be more active, either by posting or commenting on others artworks!

TO REGISTER in the new MPE3D Galleries, please fill out the following information in the Registration Fields properly, Location, Render Program, and the Special Question which requests you to answer properly.  If you do not do this step, we will consider your request to be a created account via hackers, and will delete it.  It’s a simple way to verify if you are real or not.  Please bear with us, but we don’t wish to lose the Galleries to hackers ever again so we must take these safety steps.

To get to the new MPE3D Galleries, simply click on the Gallery Logo Image above.

Antonio Rodriguez
Administrator, MPE3D (MalePoserotica)

Summer Release – Jepe’s JUG 2.0 Celebrity Morphs for ULFGens 2.0


New Release for Summer 2013! Check out JUG 2.0 Celebrity Morphs!!!

We have added a brand new release from Jepe adding to the popular ULFGens 2.0 free genital figure exclusively here at MPE3D we proudly present to you his JUG 2.0 Celebrity Morphs Addon now in Jepe’s Store too, after his successful release of his RealGens for UlfGens 2.0 Version 3.0 (The ULFGens 2.0 are a freebie in the Freestuff section here).

** NEW ** JUG 2.0 Celebrity Morphs for ULFGens 2.0


Check out the product detail pages under the option MPE3D Products above.

More Jepe Products – JURG 3.0


New Release for 2013! Check out JURG 3.0!!!

We have added several new items to Jepe’s Store too, he has recently released the newest RealGens for UlfGens 2.0 Version 3.0 (The ULFGens 2.0 are a freebie in the Freestuff section here).

** NEW ** JURG 3.0
Jepe’s RealGens for ULFGens 2.0 Version 3.0 (2013)


Check out the product detail pages under the option MPE3D Products above.

More Jepe Products – JARG 2.0 & Addons

Check out the NEW Jepe Stuff!!!

We have added several new items to Jepe’s Store too, he has recently released the newest RealGens for Adzan’s HiroGens (a freebie in the Freestuff section here) and had released a wonderful set of his Celebrity Morphs as an Addon.

We have created a BUNDLE for this great product and if you don’t have either product we suggest you save big by purchasing the BUNDLE and not the individual items.

Jepe’s Nash G2 P7 (2012 Updated for Poser 9+)

** NEW ** JRGM4G
Jepe’s RealGens M4 (2012) / Morphs Add-On (Standalone & Upgrade)

** NEW ** JARG 2.0
Jepe’s RealGens for Adzan’s HiroGens – Base / Celebrity Morph Add-On / Bundle


Check out the product detail pages under the option MPE3D Products above.

Jepe’s RealGens M4 – Gets Star Quality!

NEW – 2012-10-15!

Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Hotter!

Jepe’s RealGens 4 Addon 1 – Upgrade and Standalone Versions

Check out the new pages on the Products Menu for the new addon products for the Jepe’s M4 RealGens 4.  Products are now available for sale click on images below to go to review pages, then click on the header images in the reviews to go to Jepe’s products in the store. Be sure to select the correct product for your situation.

RealGens for M4Gens Gets a Complete “Facelift” for Poser Pro 2012

Click to View Full-SizeClick on the above image to see it in full size PNG version.

Jepe has been working on a serious updated version of his RealGens for M4Gens, which is a completely new version of the past RealGens for M4Gens with new morphing and fixes for some of the problems in the original Daz3D M4Gens.

To quote Jepe:

This is a brand-new version of my Real Gens, it has a new folder 
structure with completely new MATs.

I have reworked all textures and all transmaps.

The original texture had a bit much foreskin behind the glans, 
so I changed that because my new morphs are intended to be cut morphs.
It didn't look that good with the old textures. The new textures will
overwrite the old when installed in the same Runtime because I didn't 
change the names and paths. The INJ files now use different morph 
channels (from PBMCC_20 to 34) because there are a few freebies out 
there that interfered with the former lower channels. 
Scatter Group I set to 20 that it will not give that blueish shadow 
when attached to a scattered skin.

Recent update from Jepe:

I just finished making all the preview thumbs again, I re-organized 
the folder structure in M4 RG and throwed out all the shades 
(80% diffuse and 60% diffuse), but still have around 300 MATs, 
because I have 4 different displacements now and SSS MATs for 
Poser 9/Poser Pro 2012 SR3 and DS.

We are looking forward to the release of this new product, and with this will come a fix to Channing’s Gens & Cum product fixing some polygons in the glans and making it fully functional with the brand new Jepe’s RealGens for M4Gens.

Stay tuned for more cool updated info.

Some of the promo’s coming in the new product
for you to look at (and drool over).

Click on the Thumb to See it in Full SizeClick on the Thumb to See it in Full Size

Click on the Thumb to See it in Full SizeClick on the Thumb to See it in Full Size

Images Copyright (C) 2012, Jepe.

What Happened to MPE?

Check out the STATUS page to see where Antonio is with the store and community rebuild.  We have put some of the most popular FREEBIES up on a sub-menu option to allow those looking for them to download them from here in the meantime. – AR


So What Happened???

On August 6th 2012, a hacker attack took place on MalePoserotica (MPE II), the result of which damaged the system files of the MPE II system which was installed in 2007.  Normally this would not have been such a problem, but this attack took place between backups and not all of the files in our backup could be restored properly.  The combination of thousands of files in the server being rewritten to 0 byte files, and the data added via a security breach in the Forum software resulted in the system locking up before it could be loaded.

Before anyone starts to tell us, we should have been more careful, the leak was due in part to the fact that the MPE II system was built on Open-Source software which had been modded for us back in 2006-2007, which now is obsolete.  It was unavoidable to keep hackers with knowledge of the old software’s vulnerability out of the system without destroying the delicate balance of the old system programming.  As a result of this, the new MPE3D will not be created out of Open-Source software any longer.

As a result, our planned store upgrade schedule has now been forced to take place faster than originally planned.  We are currently pushing up the schedule and are attempting to get the store software X-Cart Platinum installed, and setup all our vendors into the system and refill their stores as quickly as possible, so they can be productive selling again in a short period of time.

Customer data and sales data was backed up so we have all that information safe and sound, as well as all the products and their promotional images.  It will only take some time to replace this information and the proper product categorization and links into the new X-Cart Pro store system.

Additionally, our Gallery System will be modified and updated, and will in the future be standalone, separate of the store, so that in the event of another attack on our site, each unique part will be safe from the other.

We are looking for people to assist us with testing the new store, and checking out the updated software with us between now and the first weeks of September.

We will be adding several payment processing systems to the site including direct money transfer for European Union banking users.

We will update this Blog as we continue and will share information with you as to our progress on the new site.  As parts of the site become available, we will list them here in this Blog.  When the new site is complete and functional, we will then turn off this Blog and link the site to the new store URL and location.

We apologize for this inconvenience, to both our vendors and our customers.

Antonio Rodriguez
Administrator, MPE (MalePoserotica)