What Happened to MPE?

Check out the STATUS page to see where Antonio is with the store and community rebuild.  We have put some of the most popular FREEBIES up on a sub-menu option to allow those looking for them to download them from here in the meantime. – AR


So What Happened???

On August 6th 2012, a hacker attack took place on MalePoserotica (MPE II), the result of which damaged the system files of the MPE II system which was installed in 2007.  Normally this would not have been such a problem, but this attack took place between backups and not all of the files in our backup could be restored properly.  The combination of thousands of files in the server being rewritten to 0 byte files, and the data added via a security breach in the Forum software resulted in the system locking up before it could be loaded.

Before anyone starts to tell us, we should have been more careful, the leak was due in part to the fact that the MPE II system was built on Open-Source software which had been modded for us back in 2006-2007, which now is obsolete.  It was unavoidable to keep hackers with knowledge of the old software’s vulnerability out of the system without destroying the delicate balance of the old system programming.  As a result of this, the new MPE3D will not be created out of Open-Source software any longer.

As a result, our planned store upgrade schedule has now been forced to take place faster than originally planned.  We are currently pushing up the schedule and are attempting to get the store software X-Cart Platinum installed, and setup all our vendors into the system and refill their stores as quickly as possible, so they can be productive selling again in a short period of time.

Customer data and sales data was backed up so we have all that information safe and sound, as well as all the products and their promotional images.  It will only take some time to replace this information and the proper product categorization and links into the new X-Cart Pro store system.

Additionally, our Gallery System will be modified and updated, and will in the future be standalone, separate of the store, so that in the event of another attack on our site, each unique part will be safe from the other.

We are looking for people to assist us with testing the new store, and checking out the updated software with us between now and the first weeks of September.

We will be adding several payment processing systems to the site including direct money transfer for European Union banking users.

We will update this Blog as we continue and will share information with you as to our progress on the new site.  As parts of the site become available, we will list them here in this Blog.  When the new site is complete and functional, we will then turn off this Blog and link the site to the new store URL and location.

We apologize for this inconvenience, to both our vendors and our customers.

Antonio Rodriguez
Administrator, MPE (MalePoserotica)